
Fly into AUS

Austin-Bergstrom Airport (AUS) - 20 min taxi/drive to Downtown Austin


We recommend that guests stay in Downtown Austin. The wedding itself is 30 minutes away in Bastrop, TX , but most of the surrounding events will be happening in the downtown area. We will have some hotel room blocks available and will have them posted below as soon as we have links for them.

Downright Austin Hotel

We have a room block available at the Downright Austin Hotel (rooms at $250/night + taxes and fees).
Note: The hotel is rennovating and rebranding so the room block site may list it as the Sheraton Downton. We will be providing a shuttle to and from the wedding venue from this hotel.


There are some great Airbnbs around Austin (25% of Austin home purchases are made for short-term rentals). A few options we thought looked nice for larger groups are below.
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4